Love Fight Live
Love, Fight, Live. This is our battle cry at Rebekah's Hope...
Without love, life is empty. Without love, there's nothing to fight for. When evil attacks, if we don't fight, we will suffer or die. But if we find the strength and discover the tools to fight for love and those we love, we will live... and that to the fullest. But the primary battle against cancer is missed by most patients.
The primary or deepest battle against cancer is not against cancer. That may sound strange, but we've learned the primary battle against cancer is in the heart: it's you against you and finding the hope and strength to keep pushing forward with confidence every day. Powerful hope comes from believing powerful ideas and this is an internal, heart/mind issue.
This is WAR!
Cancer is not like getting a cold. Cancer wants to kill. That's its purpose. Thus there is little place for soft talk and pussyfooting around. This is WAR! To beat this bastard, retain your dignity, maintain hope, and keep yourself and your relationships healthy - AND GROWING - you need powerful weapons of hope.
Fighting cancer, effectively, requires two fronts: (1) your medical team with tailored treatments and (2) everything else - yourself first, then your family, friends, spouses, work, and, well, your life. In short, your heart.
Rebekah's Hope is all about supplying you with positive tools for "everything else."
Badass Camp
"Badass Camp" is where you will find hope-filled books, counseling, care packages, clothing, e-courses, articles, freebies, and our award-winning film, A Brave Hope. Everything in Badass Camp is created by us for you.

What Other Badasses Say

April Streams - Founder, Wildfire Magazine
I first met Joel and Rebekah Hughes in 2020 in my role as a magazine publisher in the young breast cancer space. In addition to their transparency and service, their strong message of hope is also so appealing & needed by those of us in Cancerland -- and beyond! All any of us wants is hope, honestly.

Debra Stroman - Executive Director, Breast Cancer Angels
Rebekah has been through so much over the past 12 years. Rebekah is a fighter and Joel has been by her side supporting her with everything she is enduring. It amazes us at BCA that they are thinking of others during this challenging time.
We, at Cancer Kinship, are excited to partner with Joel and Rebekah on their wonderful projects! As a cancer survivor, I've personally benefited from acts of kindness and support in the form of tangible tools, resources, and feel-good items to help me power through Stage 3 cancer treatment and surgeries. Their resources are not only practical but also provide a much-needed boost to give cancer patients the encouragement to keep fighting!

Yolanda Origel
Executive Director, Cancer Kinship
Our Crazy Badass Gaurantee!

Choose Your Weapons
Peruse our online store, choose your weapons, and hit the Buy button.

Practice With Them
Receive your weapons and start working on your badassness. Use them and abuse them.

Not Badassy Enough?
If you are not fully satisfied, send us an email and let us know. We will not only give you a full refund but you can keep your products too! No hassle mailing stuff back. It's a crazy guarantee, but we're that confident in our stuff.

Meet Joel & Rebekah (& Penny)
Rebekah has battled breast cancer (stage 1 & 4) for 12 years and we've fought it for seven years together as a couple. We know the battle!
Our Passion at Rebekah’s Hope is to help cancer fighters find hope through our authentic, hope-filled media. No matter where you’re at in the journey, we want to help you see that YOU ARE NOT ALONE and that there is always hope. Whether you're a survivor, have cancer, are loving someone with cancer, or just need hope for life, there is something here for you. We want to help YOU become the HERO of Your Story.